

Friday, June 19, 2015

New gadget

I am not even gonna tell you how thrilled I am to have this amazing new setup! I still have to paint an old desk and pull it in, tearing this desk down and move junk around but hey... I got a new 27 inch monitor and it is incredible for all of my photo editing! Hard work does eventually pay off :) My old monitor is surely responsible for my half-blindness.

Back to my project, those of you who know me know I LOVE to distress furniture. It is a side hobby I enjoy when I have time (what the heck is that) and I get to redecorate..haay! We have like 19 desks out in our garage sooo I figured I should redo one of them. My current desk is the size of suburban so I figured I could downsize to one that just barely holds my monitor. I have a problem with collecting stuff so the way I see it is the less space I have, the more junk I have to throw out! It's happening.

Tonight, I am spending some time going back through all of my shoots and I am finding some beauties that I had forgotten about! My last count was something like 38,000 photos! Needless to say I have gone through multiple hard drives. Hopefully this one will last me a minute. I really want to stay up and edit some more but I really should sleep. I was tempted to make coffee but nah... I don't want to look old tomorrow.

That's all, a bunch of randomness about my night. 

Oh, and you can follow me on Instagram and Google Plus. talk later...k, thanks

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Journey of the Rainbow

God is good.

I forget sometimes. With all the "you gotta do better" days and the "what were you thinking moments?" Being a mom is no joke when you're stuck in the wilderness. I feel like I have been wandering about for years...just praying for some fresh drink of water to quench this thirst. The need runs deep to be someone. To be something bigger than this. Too many moments, I have turned my face away from my identity, the one He gave me, The One Who saved me. I am so glad I am loved.

I fell off the business wagon for a while and forgot what I was made to do. I took an extended break but now is the time to move. I am ready to begin again and reach out and use my gifting. Brainstorming new ideas for business models has been a constant thing for me for the past few weeks. I am trying new things, taking chances, investing, building new friendships and letting go. Wait, letting go? Yes! I am letting go of fears and moving forward. I hope to meet other moms like me who just really need to be reminded who they are. My heart is to encourage others, inspiring a hope in them that something good is already happening.

Thank you for all who have supported me in this journey, read my words (as sparse as they have been) over the past five years. Thank you to all who have allowed me to share in their lives, photographing their sweet families. I love what I do. I am ready to do more. I am dancing around with the idea of offering photographic memberships which would allow you to have an opportunity for four shoots a year with me for one price. So, please don't be afraid to reach out and email me for more info on that. My goal is to put together a photo keepsake collection of memories (if that is a proper description) of the year for the families who sign up with me. I am excited about this but I am still working out all the details. Would love to talk to you.  and soon to have .com up and running too!

I guess we will never really know what is or isn't at the end of a rainbow, but we will have a grand story to tell about how we lived and the people we loved along the way in searching for it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Secret

I am learning that the average person does not understand photography. They believe you show up with a nice camera, click a shutter, and voila you have beautiful photos. You can have a nice camera all day but if you can't use it, you are out of luck! Also, no matter how nice your photos are, there is always the after shoot. The editing. Yes, a good artist should not have a ton of editing but the greatest new thing is to make your images look out of this world.... literally. My thing I love to shoot is an ethereal, heavenly, and almost fantasy look. That's my own little twist or brand :) Though it looks finished and polished, it doesn't look like any other photographer's style, at least none that I have ever seen. Photography is truly an art. Each talented photographer has their own style and  that is really the key, find your thing-what sets you apart. Sure, you can copy a thousand other photographer's shots but who are you really? What if you can produce an image that no other person can duplicate? Isn't that worth paying for?

Friday, February 11, 2011

The River of Change

Life is ever changing like a river and only God knows where the paths lead. Do you ever follow one liquid ripple all the way down until it's distance is more than your human eye can see? It parts the way as it flows around a heavy rock, burdened. The river has no time for complacency and is always moving rapidly. We rush through each day and do we ever rest? Is precious time ever taken to embrace the glory of our Creator? As our river of change travels downward, other sources add to our energy. God being the greatest source of strength, then family, flow into our lives bringing some simplicity to our difficult journey through life. As we press forward, the joy of God's pure love seeps into our lives just as the water sources join the river. We can begin to see the light and destination for our existence. This life is just the journey, not the ultimate fulfillment. After the rain subsides, there is always the promise of a rainbow. And at the end of the highest river, there is a glorious waterfall. It is as unique and different as the winding paths of life.


I am learning more and more day by day
praying hard for God to provide new business opportunities.
Building a business from the ground up is one of the hardest
things I have ever done.
I am so thankful for all He has given.
I am thankful for the growth that He has brought about it me.
I love my family who has been so helpful and hopeful in this adventure
and most of all, my husband who has supported me each step
of the way and believed in me completely. I love you, Joshua. You are the
other half of my soul. To my little, precious Isaiah, you are my heart and the most precious
gift from God. I am doing this all for you in hopes to provide for your future. Together you guys are my heart and soul, truly.